
  1. Home Page:
    • Introduction to your blog, highlighting its purpose and what visitors can expect.
    • Featured reviews or recent posts.
  2. About Page:
    • Information about you (Ashnaf Kumar), your background, and expertise in SEO and WordPress development.
    • Mission and vision for your blog.
    • Any relevant certifications or qualifications.
  3. Product Reviews:
    • This page can contain links or summaries of all your product reviews, categorized for easy navigation.
  4. Software Reviews:
    • Similar to the Product Reviews page, but focusing on software reviews.
  5. Contact Page:
    • A form where visitors can input their name, email, subject, and message to get in touch with you.
    • Alternatively, you can provide your email address ( directly.
    • Mention that you typically respond within a certain timeframe (e.g., 24-48 hours).
    • Optionally, you can provide links to your social media profiles for additional ways to connect.

Remember to customize each page’s content to fit your blog’s tone and style, as well as the specific details of your reviews and expertise. Also, ensure that your blog’s design is user-friendly and visually appealing to keep visitors engaged.